Selected publications
Bangalore Beginnings - An Ethnography of Return Migration among Highly Skilled Indians
2015.11.19 -
Maternal healthcare in context: A qualitative study of women's tactics to improve their experience of public healthcare in rural Burkina Faso
2015.11.10 -
Change in the University: A Result of Travelling Ideas?
2015.11.02 -
The Social Life of Disasters: An Anthropological Approach
2015.10.13 -
The Chinese Race to the Bottom: The Precarious Lives of Unemployed University Graduates in Beijing's "Ant Tribe"
2015.09.30 -
Securing Access
2015.09.30 -
Revolutionary and Christian Ecumenes and Desire for Modernity in the Vietnamese Highlands
2015.09.28 -
Figurations of the Future: Forms and Temporalities of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe
2015.09.14 -
Community Governance and Citizen-Driven Initiatives in Climate Change Mitigation
2015.09.05 -
Perspectives from the Invisible Workforce: Lessons Learned for the Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia
2015.07.03 -
Mobile Misfortune
2015.06.24 -
Enhancing Well-Being - Urban Karimojong Youth between Security and Development in Uganda
2015.06.10 -
Copenhagen Flea-Markets – Public Spaces of the Informal Economy
2015.05.27 -
The 7th Kilometre Market, Odessa, Ukraine
2015.05.27 -
Revolution is the way you eat: exemplification among left radical activists in Denmark and in anthropology
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