APPOINTMENT 2025.02.05 Atreyee Sen appointed professor in the Department of Anthropology From 1 February, Atreyee Sen has been appointed professor in the Department of Anthropology.
In memoriam 2024.12.09 Remembering Thomas Hylland Eriksen (1962-2024) The news of Thomas Hylland Eriksen’s death hit his anthropological colleagues at the University of Copenhagen very hard.
Project launch 2024.11.19 How does compassion for animals develop and take root? Looking at Tibetans and Indians who provide care for stray animals in northern India, a new anthropological project will explore how people develop a compassion-based ethics through their encounters with animals.
Award 2024.09.20 Helle Bundgaard is Teacher of the Year at the Department of Anthropology At the Department Day on 13 September, Associate Professor Helle Bundgaard was honoured as Teacher of the Year 2024.
14 Feb. 2025, 14:00-15:30 RESEARCH SEMINAR: George M. Bob-Milliar Speaker: George M. Bob-Milliar, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Title of talk:…
21 Feb. 2025, 11:15-12:15 SODAS Data Discussion 1 (Spring 2025) SODAS is delighted to host Paw Randrup and Yevgeniy Golovchenko for our SODAS Data Discussions…
21 Feb. 2025, 14:00-15:30 RESEARCH SEMINAR: Caterina Scaramelli Speaker: Caterina Scaramelli, Boston University Title of talk: What Seeds Carry: Sprouting, Keeping…