Publications in Waterworlds, 1 January 2009 – June 2013

Kirsten Hastrup (Professor, PI)

Hastrup, Kirsten (in press). ‘Comparing Climate Worlds: Theorizing Across Ethnographic Fields.’ in Julia Tischler and Heike Geschke, eds. The Challenges of Global Climate Change: Locally-Grounded Approaches, New York: Springer.

Hastrup, Kirsten (in press). ‘Towards a Global Imaginary? Climate Change and the End of an Era in The Social Sciences.’ Decentring Europe. Berlin.

Hastrup, Kirsten (in press). ’Vi bebor mangfoldige verdener – eller?’ Tidsskriftet Antropologi (Special issue on social ontologies).

Hastrup, Kirsten (in press). Mennesker mellem samfund og natur. Fangerfolk og klimaforandringer i Nordvestgrønland. Årsbok for Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien 2012-13. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien

Hastrup, Kirsten (in press). ‘Andaman Islanders and Polar Eskimos: Emerging Ethnographic Subjects c. 1900’, Journal of the British Academy

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). ’Water and the Configuration of Social Worlds: An Anthropological Perspective.’ Journal of Water Resources and Policy (JWARP). 2013 (5): 59-66). doi:10.4236/jwarp.2013.54A009

Hastrup, Kirsten ed. (2013). Anthropology and Nature. London and New York: Routledge.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). ’Nature: Anthropology on the Edge’. In K. Hastrup, ed. Anthropology and Nature. London and New York: Routledge.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). Of Maps and Men. Making Places and Peoples in the Arctic. In K. Hastrup, ed. Anthropology and Nature. London and New York: Routledge.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). ’Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Climate: Past, Present, Future.’ Wire’s Climate Change. Published online Apr 15 2013, DOI:10.1002/wcc.219

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). ‘The Ice as Argument. Topographical Mementos in the High Arctic.’ Cambridge Anthropology 31(1): 52-68.

Hastrup, Kirsten and Martin Skrydstrup, eds. (2013). The Social Life of Climate Change Models. Anticipating Nature. London and New York: Routledge.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). ‘Anticipating Nature. The Productive Uncertainty of Climate Models’. In Kirsten Hastrup & Martin Skrydstrup, eds. The Social Life of Climate Models. Anticipating Nature. London and New York: Routledge (pp 1-29).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2013). ‘Anticipation on Thin Ice: Diagrammatic Reasoning Among Arctic Hunters’. In Kirsten Hastrup & Martin Skrydstrup, eds. The Social Life of Climate Models. Anticipating Nature. London and New York: Routledge (pp 77-99).

Hatrup, Kirsten (2013). ‘Scales of Attention in Fieldwork. Global Connections and Local Concerns in the Arctic.’ Ethnography (e-publ. September 2012; vol: 2, pp 145-164). DOI: 10.1177/1466138112454629.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ’History and the Question of Causation: North Atlantic Lessons.’ Danish Journal of Geography. Vol. 112 (2). Special issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change (pp 117-125).

Hastrup, Kirsten, with Frank Sejersen et al. (2012). ‘Environmental history and the understanding of causal relations’.  Danish Journal of Geography. Vol 112 (2). Special issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change (pp 203-205).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ‘Social Complexity and the Question of Scale: Global Challenges to Anthropology’, LUD [The People)] Journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences (pp 15-30).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ‘Social kompleksitet: “Samfund” of “Omverden” som nyttige illusioner’. I Peder Andersen et al, eds. Hvordan ser verden ud? Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag (pp 309-316).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ’Det yderste Thule – fangerfolk og klimaforandringer i Nordvestgrønland’. Grønlands Fascinationskraft. Fortællinger om polarforskningen. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (pp 175-194).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ’Antropologen som rolle i Odin Teatrets Talabot’ in Erik Exe Christoffersen, ed. Odin Teatret. Et dansk verdensteater. Aarhus Universitetsforlag (pp 233-256).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ‘The Icy Breath. Modalities of Climate Knowledge in the Arctic’. In H. Diemberger, K. Hastrup et al. Communicating Climate Knowledge: Proxies, Processes, Politics, Current Anthropology,|vol. 53 (2): 226-244.

Hastrup, Kirsten and Karen Fog Olwig, eds. (2012). Climate Change and Human Mobility. Global Challenges to the Social Sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hastrup, Kirsten and Karen Fog Olwig (2012). Introduction. Climate Change and Human Mobility, in Kirsten Hastrup & Karen Fog Olwig, eds. Climate Change and Human Mobility. Global Challenges to the Social Sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pp 1-20).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012) ‘Dehumanizing the Uprooted. Lessons from Iceland in the Little Ice Age.’ In Kirsten Hastrup & Karen Fog Olwig, eds. Climate Change and Human Mobility. Global Challenges to the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pp 58-80).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2012). ‘The Social Life of Science’. Public Service Review: European Science and Technology, no 15, 2012: 90-91.

Hastrup, Kirsten, Cecilie Rubow and Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen (2011). Kulturanalyse. Kort fortalt. København: Samfundslitteratur (Repr. 2012).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2011). ‘Topografiske infiltrationer. Udfordringer til en realistisk samfundsvidenskab.’ Nordiske Udkast. Vol. 38: 1&2: 5-16.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2011) Klimaforklaringer. Perspektiv og skala i studiet af det høje Nord.’ Tidsskriftet Antropologi, nr. 64: 5-22.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2010). Vinterens Hjerte. Knud Rasmussen og hans tid. Copenhagen: Gads Forlag.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2010). ‘Emotional Topographies: The Sense of Place in the North’. In James Davies and Dimitrina Spencer, eds. Emotions in the Field; Palo Alto 2010: Stanford University Press (pp 191-212).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2010). ‘Feltarbejde’, I S.Brinkmann og L.Tanggaard, eds. Kvalitative metoder. København 2010: Hans Reitzels Forlag (pp 55-80).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2010). ‘Kastevinde fra Nord. Grønlændernes indtog i dansk bevidsthed.’ Det fremmede som historisk drivkraft. Et festskrift til Hendes Majestæt Dronning Margrethe II ved 70-års-fødselsdagen den 16. april 2010. København: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskaberne Selskab (pp 120-131).

Hastrup, Kirsten ed. (2009). Mellem mennesker. En grundbog i antropologisk forskningsetik. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘Introduktion: Det etiske felt i antropologien’, in K. Hastrup, ed. Mellem Mennesker. En grundbog i antropologisk forskningsetik. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag (pp 9-30).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘Biografisk ansvar. Indlevelse i en anden persons synsvinkel’, in K Hastrup, ed. Mellem mennesker. En grundbog i antropologisk forskningsetik, København: Hans Reitzels Forlag (pp 155-174).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘Refleksiv etik. Antropologiens sociale engagement’, in K Hastrup, ed. Mellem mennesker. En grundbog i antropologisk forskningsetik, København: Hans Reitzels Forlag (pp 297-318).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘The Nomadic Landscape. People in a Changing Arctic Environment’, Danish Journal of Geography, vol. 109 (2): 181-189.

Hastrup, Kirsten, ed. (2009). The Question of Resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘Waterworlds: Framing the Question of Resilience’ in K. Hastrup, red. The Question of Resilience. Social responses to Climate Change. Copenhagen 2009: The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters (pp 11-30).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘Arctic Hunters. Climate Variability and Social Flexibility’, in K. Hastrup, red. The Question of Resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change. Copenhagen 2009: The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters (pp 245-270).

Hastrup, Kirsten ‘Destinies and Decisions. Taking the Lifeworld Seriously in Environmental History’, in Sverker Sörlin and Peter Warde, eds. Nature's End: History and the Environment, London and New York 2009: Palgrave MacMillan (pp 331-348).

Hastrup, Kirsten (2009). ‘Northern Barbarians: Icelandic Canons of Civilisation’, Gripla vol. XX: 109-136.


Anette Reenberg (Professor)

Liu, Jianguo; Vanessa Hull, Mateus Batistella, Ruth DeFries, Thomas Dietz, Feng Fu, Thomas Hertel, Roberto Cesar Izaurralde, Eric Lambin, Shuxin Li, Luiz Martinelli, William McConnell, Emilio Moran, Rosamond Naylor, Zhiyun Ouyang, Karen Polenske, Anette Reenberg, Gilberto de Miranda  Rocha, Cynthia Simmons, Peter Verburg, Peter Vitousek, Fusuo Zhang, Chunquan Zhu (in press): Framing Sustainability in a Telecoupled World. Ecology and Society.

VanVliet, N., Reenberg, A. and Rasmussen, L.V. (2013). Scientific documentation of cropland changes in the Sahel: A half empty box of knowledge to support policy? Journal of Arid Environments (95): (pp 1-13).

Reenberg, A., Maman, I. and Oksen, P. (2013). Twenty years of land use and livelihood changes in SE-Niger. Obsolete and shortsighted adaptation to climatic and demographic pressures? Journal of Arid Environments (94): (pp 47-58).

Reenberg, A., Rasmussem, L. V. and Nielsen, J. Ø. (2012). Causal relations and land use transformation in the Sahel: Conceptual lenses for processes, temporal totality and inertia. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 112(2): (pp 159-173).

Nielsen, J. Ø. And Reenberg, A. (2012). Exploring Causal Relations - The societal effects of climate change. Introduction to Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change. Geografisk Tidsskrift- Danish Journal of Geography 112(2): (pp 89-92).

Fensholt, R. Langanke, T., Rasmussen, K., Reenberg, A., Prince, S.D., Scholes, R., Tucker, C.,Le, Q.B., Bondeau, A., Eastman, R., Epstein, H.,  Gaughan, A., Hellden, U., Mbow, C., Olsson, L., Paruelo, J., Schweitzer, C., Seaquist, J., Wessels, K.  (2012). Greenness in semi-arid areas across the globe 1981-2007 - an Earth Observing Satellite based analysis of trends and drivers. Remote Sensing and Environment, Vol.121, 2012: (pp 144-158).

Rasmussen, L.V., Rasmussen, K., Reenberg, A. & Proud, S.R. (2012). A system dynamics approach to land use changes in agro-pastoral systems on the desert margins of Sahel. Agricultural Systems 107C: (pp 56-64).

Rasmussen, L.V. & Reenberg, A. (2012). Collapse and recovery in Sahelian agro-pastoral systems: Rethinking trajectories of change. Ecology and Society 17(1):14.

Reenberg, A. Insistent dryland narratives: Portraits of knowledge about human-environmental interactions in Sahelian environment policy documents. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol29, Nr. 1, 2012: (pp 97-111).

Rasmussen, L.V. & Reenberg, A. Land use rationales in desert fringe agriculture. Applied Geography, Vol. 34, 2012: (pp 595-605).

Mertz, O, Mbow, C, Nielsen, JØ, Maiga, A, Diallo, D, Reenberg, A, Diouf, A,
Nielsen, J. Ø., D’haen, S. and Reenberg, A. Adaptation to climate change as a development project: A case study from Northern Burkina Faso. Climate and Development, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 2012: (pp16-25).

Ole Mertz, Cheikh Mbow, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Sarah D’haen, Awa Diouf, Malicki Zorom, Drissa Diallo, Bruno Barbier, Daniel Dabi, Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa, Kjeld Rasmussen, Anette Reenberg, Eric Lambin, Lorenzo Genesio, Inge Sandholt (2011). Adaptation strategies and climate vulnerability in the Sudan-Sahel region of West Africa. Atmospheric Science Letters 12(1): (pp 104-108).

Mertz, O., Birch-Thomsen, T., Elberling, B., Rothausen, S., Bruun, T.B., Reenberg, A., Fog, B., Egsmose, R.M.R. and Breuning-Madsen, H. (2011). Changes in shifting cultivation systems on small Pacific islands. The Geographical Journal. DOI:  10.1111/j.1475-4959.2011.00447.x

Reenberg, A. (2011). Toolbox options for conceptualizing change in human-environmental systems. Pathways, path dependency, legacies, syndromes and scenarios. GLP Report No. 2. Global Land Project, Copenhagen.
Nielsen, J. Ø. and Reenberg, A. (2010). Temporality and the problem with singling out climate as a current driver of change in a small West African village. Journal of Arid Environment 74: (pp 464-474).

Nielsen, J.Ø. and Reenberg, A. (2010). Cultural barriers to climate change adaptation: a case study from Northern Burkina Faso. Global Environmental Change 20: (pp 142-152).

Barbier, B, Bouzou Moussa, I, Zorom, M, Ouattara, I & Dabi, D (2010), 'Climate factors play a limited role for past adaptation strategies in West Africa', Ecology and Society, vol 15, nr. 4, article 25, s. Article 25.

Metz, O., Mbow, C., Nielsen, J., Maiga, A., Diallo, D., Reenberg, A., Diouf, A., Barbier, B., Moussa, I., Zorim, M., Ouattara, I., and Dabi, D., (2010). Climate factors play a limited role for past adaptation strategies in West Africa. Ecology and Society, 15(4): (pp 25).

Dearing,, J, Braimoh, AK, Reenberg, A, Turner II, B & van der Leeuw, S (2010). 'Complex land systems: the need for long time perspectives to assess their future.', Ecology and Society, vol 15, nr. 4: (s. 21).

Friis, C & Reenberg, A (2010). Land Grab in Africa: Emerging drivers in a teleconnected world, GLP Report, nr. 1, vol. 1, Copenhagen.
Eakin, H, Bohle, HG, Izac, A, Reenberg, A, Gregory, P & Pereira, L (2010). 'Food, violence and human rights', i J Ingram, P Ericksen & D Liverman (red), Food security and global environmental change, Earthscan Publications Ltd, London: (pp 245-271).

Reenberg, A., Mbow, C., Diallo, B.,  Ba, M., Touré, A., Noergaard, A.
(2009). Conceptualizing the change process in Sudano-Sahelian
landscapes: Land use and land cover dynamics in forest reserves and their margins. West African Journal of Applied Ecology 15: (pp 105-125).

Reenberg, A. (2009). ‘Embedded flexibility in coupled human-environmental systems in the Sahel: Talking about resilience’. (Pp. 132-158) in Hastrup, K. ed. The Question of Resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen.

Mertz,O, Mbow, C., Reenberg, A., Diouf, A. I (2009). Farmers´ Perceptions of Climate Change and Agricultural Adaptation Strategies in Rural Sahel.  Environmental Management 43(5):

Reenberg, A. and Primdahl, J. (2009). Globalisation and the local landscape. Editorial. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 109(2):i-iii:
(pp 804-816).


Frank Sejersen (Lecturer)

Sejersen, Frank (in press): Klimatilpasning og skaleringspraksisser. In Mikkel Sørensen & Sofie Breivik Thorhauge (eds.) Klima og Mennesker – Humanistisk Klimaforskning. København: Museum Tusculanum Press.

Sejersen, Frank, Hastrup, Kirsten, Brooks, Nick, Widgren, Mats, Rasmussen, Laura Vang, Rasmussen, Mattias Borg (2012). Environmental history and the understanding of causal relations. Danish Journal of Geography. 112(2): (pp 203-205). (Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change).

Sejersen, Frank and Nielsen, J. Ø (lead author) (2012). Earth Systems Science, The IPCC and the problem of downward causation in human geographies of Global Climate Change. Danish Journal of Geography 112(2): (pp 194-202). (Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change).

Sejersen, Frank (2012). “Mobility, Climate Change and Social Dynamics in the Arctic. The creation of new horizons of expectations and the role of community”. In Kirsten Hastrup & Karen Fog Olwig, eds Climate Change and Human Mobility, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: (pp 190-213).

Sejersen, Frank (2011). ‘Climate change and the emergence of a new Arctic region’ in Baltic Rim Economies- Quarterly Reviews no. 4, 2011: (p. 17).

Sejersen, Frank (2010). De potentielle klimaekstremister: Grønlands nye udfordring i CO2-samfundet. Tværkultur nr. 1: (pp. 61-67), Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies.

Sejersen, Frank (2010). ‘Urbanization, Landscape Appropriation and Climate Change in Greenland.’ Acta Borealia 27(2): (pp 167-188).

Sejersen, Frank (2009). ‘Resilience, Human Agency and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Arctic’. In Kirsten Hastrup (ed.) The Question of Resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters: (pp 218-244).


Cecilie Rubow (Lecturer)

Rubow, Cecilie. (in press). “Woosh. Cyclones as culturalnatural whirls. A case from the South Pacific”. To appear in anthology edited by Tony Crook and Peter Rudiak Gould.

Rubow, Cecilie. (in press).”Laguneteologiseringer i Sydhavet”. Kritisk forum for praktisk teologi.

Rubow, Cecilie. (in press). Movements of sand, people and horizons at two Pacific Islands together with Maria Louise Bønnelykke Robertson. To appear in K. Hastrup (ed.): Anthropology and Nature. London and New York: Routledge.

Nielsen, J.Ø, Olwig, M, Patt, A, Christoplos, I, Rubow, C. (2012). Causal narratives and policy in a warming world. Danish Journal of Geography. 112(2): (pp 208-209). Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change.

Rubow, Cecilie. (2012). ‘Enacting Cyclones: The mixed response to climate change in the Cook Islands. In K. Hastrup & M. Skrydstrup, eds. The Social Life of Climate Change Models: Anticipating Nature. New York: Routledge: (pp 57-76).

Rubow, Cecilie. (2011) "Klimaforandringernes metafysik: verden som natur, omgivelser og ophav." Tidsskriftet Antropologi, nr. 64: (pp 101-117).

Rubow, Cecilie (2011). ’I omegnen af COPenhagen’. Co-authored by Frida Hastrup. Tidsskriftet Antropologi, nr. 64: (pp 61-69).

Rubow, Cecilie. (2011) Case study. Muri - Same but different. In Cook Islands Second Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change, National Environment Service, Cook Islands: (p 58).

Rubow, Cecilie. (2009). The Metaphysical Aspects of Resilience: South Pacific Responses to Climate Change: (Pp 88-113) in K. Hastrup, ed. The Question of Resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen 2009.


Frida Hastrup (Post.Doc)

Hastrup, Frida (in press). “Classifying the Tropics. Nature Makers in Deep Water” Ethnologia Scandinavica 2013.

Hastrup, Frida (in press). “Qualifying Coastal Nature. Bio-Conservation Projects in Southeast India”. In K. Hastrup (ed.): Anthropology and Nature. London and New York: Routledge.

Hastrup, Frida (2013). “Certain Figures. Modelling Nature among Environmental Experts in Coastal Tamil Nadu”. In K. Hastrup and M. Skrydstrup (eds.) The Social Life of Climate Models: Anticipating Nature. The Social Life of Climate Models, New York: Routledge: (pp 45-56).

Hastrup, Frida (2012). “Theory and Methodology in Causal Research: A Commentary” (with Bradley B. Walters). Danish Journal of Geography, 112 (2). Special issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change: (pp. 206-207).

Hastrup, Frida (2011). Weathering the World. Recovery in the Wake of the Tsunami in a Tamil Fishing Village, Berghahn Books, Oxford 2011. See
Co-editor of issue on Climate of Tidsskriftet Antropologi vol. 64, 2011 (peer-reviewed Danish journal of anthropology).

Hastrup, Frida (2011). “Shady Plantations. Theorizing Coastal Shelter in Tamil Nadu”, Anthropological Theory 2011, vol. 11 (4): (pp. 425-439).

Hastrup, Frida (2011). “Figurer uden grund. Museumsansamlinger og globale klimaforandringer” (with Nathalia Brichet) in Tidsskriftet Antropologi vol. 64, 2011: (pp. 119-135).

Hastrup, Frida and Cecilie Rubow (2011) ”I omegnen af COPenhagen”. Tidsskriftet Antropologi vol. 64, 2011: (pp. 61-69).

Hastrup, Frida (2010). An Anthropology of Absence. Materializations of Transcendence and Loss, Springer Publishers, New York 2010, (anthology co-edited with Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen).

Hastrup, Frida (2010). “Materializations of Disaster: Recovering Lost Plots in a Tsunami-Affected Village in South India” in M. Bille, F. Hastrup, T.F. Sørensen (eds.): An Anthropology of Absence. Materializations of Transcendence and Loss, Springer Publishers, New York 2010: (pp.99-112).

Hastrup, Frida (2010). “Introduction: An Anthropology of Absence” (with Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen) in M. Bille, F. Hastrup, T.F. Sørensen (eds.): An Anthropology of Absence. Materializations of Transcendence and Loss, Springer Publishers, New York 2010: (pp. 3-22).

Hastrup, Frida (2009): “Kulturelt forankret katastrofehjælp? Globale idealer og lokal gennemsigtighed efter tsunamien i Indien” i Kritik 194, Copenhagen 2009: (pp. 17-24).

Hastrup, Frida (2009). “På sikker grund. Genhusning efter tsunamien i Tamil Nadu” in Tidsskriftet Antropologi 59/60, Copenhagen 2009: (pp. 143-160).

Hastrup, Frida (2009). ”A Sense of Direction: Responsibility and the Span of Disaster in a Tamil Coastal Village” in K. Hastrup (ed.): The Question of Resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen 2009: (pp.114-131).


Martin Skrydstrup (Post.Doc)

Skrydstrup, M. (2013). "Modelling Ice: A Field Diary of Anticipation from the Greenland Ice Sheet," in K. Hastrup & M. Skrydstrup, eds. The Social Life of Climate Change Models: Anticipating Nature. New York: Routledge: (pp 163-182).

Skrydstrup, M. (2013) "Afterword: Reopening the Book of Nature(s)," in The Social Life of Climate Change Models: Anticipating Nature. New York: Routledge: (pp 225-229).

Skrydstrup, M. (2013): Co-editor (with Kirsten Hastrup) of The Social Life of Climate Change Models: Anticipating Nature. New York: Routledge,

Skrydstrup, M. (2013) "Tricked or Troubled Natures? How to Make Sense of ‘Climate Gate’". Environmental Science and Policy. 2013 (1).

Skrydstrup, M. (2012). "Europe at the Crossroads of Rights and Culture" co-authored with Valdimar Hafstein, in Blackwell Companion to the Anthropology of Europe. Blackwell-Wiley, London: (pp 389-406).

Skrydstrup, M. (2012) "Cultural Property," in A Companion to Folklore. Blackwell-Wiley, London: (pp 520-536).

Skrydstrup, M. (2009). ”Planetary Resilience: Codes, Climates and Cosmoscience in Copenhagen”, in K. Hastrup, ed. The Question of Resilience: Social Responses to Climate Change,” Copenhagen 2009: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (pp 336-358).


Jonas Østergaard Nielsen (Post.Doc)

D’haen, S, Nielsen, J.Ø, Lambin, E. (In press). Beyond climate: Rainfall as a determinant of household nonfarm activities in contemporary rural Burkina Faso. Climate and Development.

Nielsen, J. Ø, Sejersen, F. (2012). Earth Systems Science, The IPCC, and the problem of downward causation in human geographies of global climate change. Danish Journal of Geography. 112(2): (pp 194-202). Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change

Reenberg, A. Rasmussen, L. Nielsen, J. Ø. 2012. Causal relations and land use transformation in the Sahel: Conceptual lenses for processes, temporal totality and inertia. Danish Journal of Geography 112(2): (pp159-173). Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change.

Nielsen, J. Ø, Reenberg, A. 2012. Exploring Causal Relations. The Societal Effects of Climate Change. An Introduction. Danish Journal of Geography 112(2): (pp 89-92).

Nielsen, J.Ø, Olwig, M, Patt, A, Christoplos, I, Rubow, C. 2012. Causal narratives and policy in a warming world. Danish Journal of Geography 112(2): (pp 208-209). Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change.

Nielsen, J.Ø., D’haen, S., Reenberg, A. 2012. Adaptation to climate change is a development project: A case study from northern Burkina Fasa.. Climate and Development, 4(1): 16-25. 

Nielsen, J.Ø., Vigh, H. 2012. Adaptive Lives. Navigating the Global Food Crisis in a Changing Climate. Global Environmental Change, 22 (3): (pp 659-669).

Mertz, O., Cheikh Mbow, Anette Reenberg, Lorenzo Genesio, Eric F. Lambin, Sarah D’haen, Malicki Zorom, Kjeld Rasmussen, Drissa Diallo, Bruno Barbier, Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa, Awa Diouf, Jonas Ø. Nielsen and Inge Sandholt. 2011. Adaptation strategies and climate vulnerability in the Sudano-Sahelian region of West Africa. Atmos. Sci. Let. 12: 104–108 (2011) DOI: 10.1002/asl.314.

Nielsen, J. Ø., Reenberg, A. 2010. Cultural barriers to climate change adaptation: A case study from Northern Burkina Faso. Global Environmental Change 20: (pp 142–152).

Nielsen, J. Ø. 2010. Despite the Rain. Living and dealing with climate change in a small West Africa village. PhD thesis. Department of Geology and Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Nielsen, J.Ø. 2010. The Outburst. Climate change, gender relation and situational analysis. Social Analysis 54 (3): (pp 110-123).

Nielsen, J. Ø., Reenberg, A. 2010. Temporality and the problem with singling out climate as a current driver of change in a small West African village. Journal of Arid Environments 74: (pp 464–474).

Mertz, O. Mbow, c. Nielsen, J. Ø. 2010. Climate Factors Play a Limited Role for Past Adaptation Strategies in West Africa.  Ecology and Society 15(4): 25. [online] URL:

Nielsen, J. Ø. 2009. “Drought and Marriage: Exploring the Interconnection between Climate Variability and Social Change through a Livelihood Perspective.” in K. Hastrup, ed. In The Question of Resilience: Social Responses to Climate Change, Copenhagen 2009: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters: (Pp. 159-177).


Mette Fog Olwig (PhD)

Olwig, M.F. (2013) Beyond Translation: Reconceptualizing the Role of Local Practitioners and the Development ‘Interface’.  European Journal of Development Research, 25 (3): pp 428-444.

Nielsen, J.Ø, Olwig, M, Patt, A, Christoplos, I, Rubow, C. (2012). Causal narratives and policy in a warming world. Danish Journal of Geography, 112 (2) pp 208-209. Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change.

Olwig, M.F.; Gough, K.V. (2013). Basket Weaving and Social Weaving: Young Ghanaian Artisans’ Mobilization of ‘Social Capital’ through Mobility. Geoforum, 45: (pp 168-177).
Rodima-Taylor, D., Olwig, M.F. and Chhetri, N. (eds.) (2012). Special Issue: Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation: Applied Geographies of Climate Change. Applied Geography, 33: (pp 107-167).

Rodima-Taylor, D, Olwig, M.F., Chhetri, N., (2012). Adaptation as innovation, innovation as adaptation: An institutional approach to climate change, Applied Geography 33: (pp 107-111).

Olwig M.F., (2012). Multi-Sited Resilience: The mutual construction of ‘local’ and ‘global’ understandings and practices of adaptation and innovation, Applied Geography 33: (pp 112-118).

Olwig, M.F. (2009). Climate Change = Discourse Change? Development and Relief Organizations’ Use of the Concept of Resilience. In K. Hastrup (ed.), The Question of Resilience: Social Responses to Climate Change: (pp 314-335). Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.


Mattias Borg Rasmussen (PhD)

Rasmussen, M.B, (2012). Prisms of Water: Abandonment and the art of being governed in the Peruvian Andes. PhD-Series No. 73. Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.

Sejersen, Frank, Hastrup, Kirsten, Brooks, Nick, Widgren, Mats, Rasmussen, Laura Vang, Rasmussen, Mattias Borg (2012). Environmental history and the understanding of causal relations. Danish Journal of Geography. 112(2): (pp 203-205). (Special Issue: Exploring causal relations: the societal effects of climate change).

Rasmussen, M.B. (2012). Greening the Economy: Articulation and the Problem of Governance in the Andes, in Mountain Research and Development, 32 (2): (pp 149-157).

Rasmussen, M. B, (2011). Anticipating: Climate change and the construction of
scenarios in the PeruvianAndes,  in Andean Asian Mountains Global Knowledge
Exchange. On Glaciers, Glacial Lakes, Water and Hazard Management. An
Adaptation Partnership Workshop. Conference Procedings.

Rasmussen, M.B. (2011). La Historia de un Canal: Cambio Climático y Politicas del Agua en la Sierra Peruana, 3 Documento de Trabajo, Instituto de la Montana, Huaraz.
Rasmussen M.B. (2011). Faren fra Oven: Fortællingen om en bebudet katastrofe, Jordens Folk 4/2011, ’Katastrofer’.

Co-editor of issue on Climate of Tidsskriftet Antropologi vol. 64, 2011 (peer-reviewed Danish journal of anthropology).

Rasmussen, M.B. (2011). Historie om en kanal: Klimaforandringer og vandpolitik i det peruanske højland, Tidsskriftet Antropologi, No. 64, ’Klima’: (pp 43-59).

Rasmussen, M.B. (2009). Andean Meltdown: Comments on 'The Declaration of Recuay' in K. Hastrup (ed.) The question of resilience. Social Responses to Climate Change. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters: (pp 197-217).


Christian Vium (PhD candidate)

Vium, Christian (in press). ’Icons of Becoming: on documenting
undocumented migration from West Africa to Europe.’ Cahiers d’Études Africaines
213-214: double issue on West African migration, edited by Cécile Canut and
Alioune Sow.

Vium, Christian (in press) ’The Phantom Menace : Frar, rumours and the elusive
presence of AQIM in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania’ Strategic Review for
Southern Africa, special issue edited by Kwasi Aning, Morten Boås and Mats Utas.

Vium, Christian (in review) ’Recasting Nomad Tactics at the Centre of the Urban Fringe in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania’, Urban Studies, special issue edited by Monique Neuijten & Martin Kloster. 

Vium, Christian (in review) ’Moral Valves and Fluid Properties: Water Regulation
Mechanisms in the Bâdia of Southeastern Mauritania.’ Waterworlds: Anthropology in
Fluid Environments. ed. Kirsten Hastrup and Frida Hastrup.

Vium, Christian (2009). ”Nomad_Scapes: Mobility and Wayfinding as Resilience among Nomadic Pastoralists in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania” in The Question of Resilience: Local Responses to Climate Change: (pp 178-196). Ed. Kirsten Hastrup. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen 2009.

Vium, Christian (2009). “Eventyrerne”. Jordens Folk, vol. 4.
Vium, Christian, Merrild, Anne (2009). “Værdiportrætter i en tid med industriudvikling og klimaforandringer”. Tidsskriftet Grønland, vol. 4.


James Maguire (Research assistant)

Maguire, James (in press) ‘Virtual Fish and Property Concerns’, chapter in press as part of edited volume, The Icelandic Meltdown: The causes and consequences of the Icelandic Financial Crisis.