Our participation in related events


Seminar: Byens historie i brug, at open air museum Den Gamle By, Aarhus, 26 Sep: Mads Daugbjerg gave the key note presentation: “Mellem oplysning og oplevelse - museer, kulturlove og historiebrug”.

Conference: Geschichte als Erlebnis: Performative Praktiken in der Geschichtskultur, 3-5 July, 2014, in Potsdam, Germany. Mads Daugbjerg presented the key note lecture: “Shades of Gray: Vicarious experience and the power of things in American Civil War re-enactment”.

Seminar: Understanding Audiences, 28 May, 2014, in York, UK. Mads Daugbjerg presented the paper: “Understanding Audiencing: ethnographic insights from the heritage sector”.

Conference: Trust, MatchPoints Seminar, Aarhus University, 22-24 May: Mads Daugbjerg and Thomas Randrup Pedersen presented the joint paper “Crafting Trust at Gunpoint: Hearts, Minds and Mission in the Danish Engagement in the War in Afghanistan”.

Academic Happy Hour, Antropologforeningen, Copenhagen, 15 May, 2014. Mads Daugbjerg was invited to present and discuss his new monograph Borders of Belonging (Berghahn Books, 2014) with Mikkel Bille, Roskilde University.

Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) Veteran Conference, Copenhagen, 28-29 April, 2014. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen presented the paper: “Temptations and traps of recognition”.

Seminar: “Etiske udfordringer og etiske fordringer i museumsformidlingen”, held at the Danish Arsenal Museum and the National Museum of Denmark, 9 April, 2014. Mads Daugbjerg presented case material and discussed ethics and war heritage management.

Participation in Danish Radio program, 7 April, 2014: “Alle tiders historie: må man lege krig?”. Mads Daugbjerg gave interview and discussed war museum and heritage ethics.

Wenner-Gren Invited Symposium, "Death of the Secret", Sintra, Portugal, 14-20 March. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen presented the paper: "Homecomings: Danish Soldiers' Narrative Identities".

Anthropological MEGA seminar, Sandbjerg, 13-15 January, 2014.
All three project participants presented papers at various panels:
Thomas Pedersen: ‘Faraway, So Close: Fighting the Taliban and other Others in the Grey Zone’. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen: ‘The power of PTSD’. Mads Daugbjerg: ‘The law of the land and the grip of the ghosts in Gettysburg’


Annual meeting of the Organization of Danish Museum (ODM); conference, 15 November, 2013, Kolding. Mads Daugbjerg presented the paper ‘Den fjerne krig og dens umiddelbare nærhed: Om Afghanistan på Tøjhusmuseet’, in the panel ‘Danmark i krig og konflikt’

International Society for Military Studies (ISMS); conference, 13-14 November, 2013, Copenhagen. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen presented the paper ‘Ripples of Recognition: Shifting Images of Danish War Veterans’, in the panel ‘Armed Forces and Society’.

Kammeratstøtteordningen, årsmøde, Korsør, 5 October 2013. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen made a presentation entitled "Social anerkendelse: tendenser og dilemmaer i anerkendelsen af danske krigsveteraner".

Veteranforum, Veterancenteret, Ringsted, 17 September 2013. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen made a presentation entitled "Social anerkendelse: tendenser og dilemmaer i anerkendelsen af danske krigsveteraner".

Peace And Conflict Studies in Anthropology (PACSA); 4th bi-annual conference, "Crisis and Conflict", 28-30 August, Copenhagen. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen presented the paper: "Ripples of Recognition: Danish War Veterans since 1990" in the panel "Military in Flux".

Death in the Military. Ecole Militaire, Paris, 31 January 2013. Birgitte Refslund Sørensen presented the paper “A soldier is dead. Long live the soldiers”. 


The Development of the State: Civil-military Institutions, Centre for Military Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, 30 November – 1 December, 2012. Thomas Pedersen presented the paper: “Recruiting the ‘Warrior’, Recognizing the ‘Diplomat’? Outline of an Anthropological Exploration of Civil-military Relations in Today’s Denmark”.