Department Day 2024: Living research in the 21st century

All employees, alumni and students at the Department of Anthropology are hereby invited to the Department Day 2024. 

Anthropological research is crucial in contemporary efforts to tackle the largest challenges facing our world today: climate change, increasing numbers of people living with chronic conditions, widening inequality gaps, political violence and instability, exhaustion, migration, and more. Join us for an afternoon of exploring and valuing the important research taking place at our Department, how research staff interact and involve students in their research, and how we disseminate and communicate our research to different audiences and stakeholders. As always, we will round off the day with a celebration of our newly educated master’s graduates followed by some food and refreshments. All welcome, spread the word!

The official programme concludes at 18:00 with dinner and refreshments.

Please sign up for the dinner using the following form:
Department Day sign-ups

In the sign-up form, our 2024 Master's graduates can also sign up to be celebrated on Department Day and receive their rose as well as our heartfelt congratulations.

We are very much looking forward to celebrating our fantastic department with you all!
On behalf of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen.