Appointment 2025.02.10 Ayo Wahlberg appointed to the Danish Council on Ethics Professor Ayo Wahlberg has been appointed as a new member of the Danish Council on Ethics. With…
APPOINTMENT 2025.02.05 Atreyee Sen appointed professor in the Department of Anthropology From 1 February, Atreyee Sen has been appointed professor in the Department of Anthropology.
In memoriam 2024.12.09 Remembering Thomas Hylland Eriksen (1962-2024) The news of Thomas Hylland Eriksen’s death hit his anthropological colleagues at the University of…
Project launch 2024.11.19 How does compassion for animals develop and take root? Looking at Tibetans and Indians who provide care for stray animals in northern India, a new…
Award 2024.09.20 Helle Bundgaard is Teacher of the Year at the Department of Anthropology At the Department Day on 13 September, Associate Professor Helle Bundgaard was honoured as Teacher…
Grant 2024.09.05 Project to investigate the social and political impact of migrant deaths Every year, thousands of migrants from Africa die on their way to Europe. A new anthropological…
Grant 2024.08.27 Mapping concerns about rising seawater How do citizens living on the coasts of four countries in the North Sea region worry about future…
Addiction 2024.06.06 Improved counselling for young people to dispel the myth that opioids are harmless A wide range of measures are needed to reduce the use of illegal opioids and benzodiazepines among…
West Africa 2024.05.16 Interview: Burkina Faso's health crisis has major implications for the rest of the world For nearly 30 years, Helle Samuelsen has studied the chronic health crisis in Burkina Faso. But the…
Grant 2024.05.08 Climate crisis: New project explores how flexible our eating habits are Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, researchers from the departments of Anthropology…
Grassroots healthcare 2024.04.24 Global health crisis: Vietnam shows new ways to treat diabetes Med øget fokus på uformel omsorg er det muligt at forbedre diabetespatienters liv markant. Det vise…
GRANT 2024.04.11 Angry times: What shapes and amplifies political anger across the world? With a European grant of €2.5 million, a new project headed by Atreyee Sen from the Department of…
GRANTS 2024.03.08 New anthropological projects explore African climate and energy challenges With support from DANIDA, two projects based at the Department of Anthropology are investigating…
Grant 2023.12.14 Anthropologist to explore “out of the way” places’ dreams of becoming tech landscapes What does it mean for “out of the way” places to build technological futures, and how can these…
New report 2023.12.08 Young people find cocaine use increasingly common in party settings Cocaine use is becoming normalised in parts of party culture, according to a new study of Roskilde…
Award 2023.11.10 Cecilie Rubow is Teacher of the Year at the University of Copenhagen At the University of Copenhagen's annual commemoration, anthropologist and Associate Professor…
DFF grants 2023.11.06 Five social science projects to investigate green transition Five projects in Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science receive a total of DKK 15.8 million…
APPOINTMENT 2023.10.10 Ayo Wahlberg is new Head of Department of Anthropology Professor Ayo Wahlberg will commence as Head of Department at the Department of Anthropology on 1…
Oscar Salemink (1958-2023) 2023.09.26 Obituary - Oscar Salemink It is with great sadness that we say farewell and give our thanks to our esteemed colleague…
PROJECT 2023.09.06 Green versus Green: Can wind turbines and nature interests go hand in hand? A new project at the Department of Anthropology will investigate how different interests can come…