9 November 2020

‘Anthro Walks’ will compensate for COVID-19 restrictions


All students at the Department of Anthropology will get the opportunity to participate in weekly walks with informal academic conversations.

UCPH City Campus (CSS).

Although classes are still taking place on campus, the COVID-19 restrictions have put a heavy damper on student life and socialising at the UCPH. As a rule of thumb, students should only stay at the university grounds when strictly necessary.

Now new weekly walks, named ‘Anthro Walks’, will compensate for the limited study environment. The study board at the Department of Anthropology has initiated the walks with the hope that walks with an academic focus can create new forms of conversation and exchange of experience between students during the COVID-19 epidemic.

“It is our impression that we have students who miss further academic discussions and forms of social interaction than currently allowed on campus because of the COVID-19 restrictions. Many would like to talk more together outside the classroom or lecture hall,” explains Professor (MSO) Ayo Wahlberg, who is deputy head of the department.

The plan is to place students who would like to join the walks in groups of five and let the weekly walks of two hours each supplement the formal classes.

Ayo Wahlberg emphasises that the walks will apply to all corona restrictions. In addition, online meetings will be organised as an alternative for those who prefer not to show up physically.

Read more about the initiative and registration: Anthro Walks 
