Culture, Mobility and Power (CAMP)
CAMP encompasses researchers in the Department of Anthropology who analyse the cultural, religious, economic, policy and gendered dimensions of power relations.
CAMP’s anthropological approaches share a basis in ethnography, and have in common a focus on power, culture and mobility as social processes that are deeply intertwined in everyday life.
Our aim is to examine how state and non-state actors legitimise the distribution of authority and resources through the effective adaptation of force, persuasion, materiality and governance.
Anja Simonsen
E-mail: anja.simonsen@anthro.ku.dk
Phone: +45 35 32 34 92
Henrik Vigh
E-mail: hv@anthro.ku.dk
Phone: +45 35 32 34 91
Highlighting the pervasiveness of power, mobility and cultural contestations in our ethnographic locations
Our main concern

Research focus
In general, the CAMP researchers study classifications and power differences implicit in social relationships and in their cultural representations and enactments, along with their historical, temporal, spatial and institutional effects.
We are concerned with the ways in which communities engage with nationalism, ethnicity and migratory and transnational networks.
Researchers connected to the research group have created a blog titled 'Conflict, Crime, Power and Politics'.Find the blog here
Our cluster provides rich empirical and theoretical grounding as brought out in its publications, and creates intellectual and experiential resources for broad-based teaching themes in the department.
CAMP’s research and teaching practices contribute towards planning student careers in academia, development, humanitarian work, state and local governance, international diplomacy, governmental and nongovernmental organisations, cultural and research institutes, transnational advocacy and consultancies, among others.
The group has several individual and collective research projects as well as centres.
Upcoming events
SEMINAR 16.12.24
Unpacking ‘Decolonisation’: Tracing Its Past, Present, and Intervening Periods

Projects associated with CAMP
Apply to join CAMP as an MA student
The Culture, Mobility and Power (CAMP) researcher group is inviting applications to participate in CAMP from MA students in anthropology who are interested in any of the topics covered by the researcher group. Membership would entitle you to participate in academic seminars, retreats and other events, and would be a way to explore, or prepare for, an eventual academic career.
If you are interested, please send an application of 400 words (one page) max. to Henrik Vigh: hv@anthro.ku.dk
The application should cover main features in your CV; a brief description of your master’s topic and its connection to the CAMP themes; and your expectations/aspirations for the future as an anthropologist.
Centres associated with CAMP
Centre for Global Criminology (CGC)
The Centre for Global Criminology studies crime, criminalisation and other border and boundary crossing phenomena around the world.
Our researchers
Name | Title | Job responsibilities | Phone | |
Search in Name | Search in Title | Search in Job responsibilities | Search in Phone | |
Anja Simonsen | Associate Professor | Somali refugees in East Africa and Europe, biometric technologies, migration, European Search and Rescue, Death in the Mediterranean | +4535323492 | |
Ayo Marie Degett | Industrial PhD | Refugees, South Sudan, Sudan, participation, humanitarian action, forced migration, Uganda | +4551208221 | |
Birgit Bräuchler | Associate Professor | Media and digital anthropology, conflict and peace studies, human and cultural rights, activism and brokerage, environment, Southeast Asia, Indonesia | +4535331308 | |
Christina Jerne | Assistant Professor | Organised crime, gangs, political economy, social movements, diverse economies | +4535331995 | |
Henrik Vigh | Professor | Political anthropology, peace & conflict studies, crisis and chronicity, undocumented migration, social becoming, mobility and mobilization, Europe... | +4541111430 | |
Humphrey Asamoah Agyekum | Assistant Professor | Project management, research, teaching, intercultural communication, publishing | +4535330856 | |
Inge-Merete Hougaard | Postdoc | Political ecology, land and resource rights, landscape changes, climate policy, recognition policy, green transition, agriculture, sand mining | +4535322344 | |
Jens Sejrup | Assistant Professor - Tenure Track | Japanese Studies | +4535334055 | |
Julie Nygaard Solvang | PhD Fellow | +4535328848 | ||
Karen Waltorp | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | Visual and multimodal anthropology, the digital and emerging technologies, future anthropologies, gender, urban anthropology, migration, Islam in/a... | ||
Karen Fog Olwig | Professor Emeritus | Migration, family and kinship, transnational networks, narratives, the Carribean, Denmark | +4535323479 | |
Matthew Alexander Halkes Carey | Associate Professor | Morocco, politics, lying, mistrust, pragmatic anthropology | +4535321579 | |
Rebecca Solovej | PhD Fellow | Migration, Border violence, Humanitarianism, Care, Search and Rescue (SAR), the Mediterranean Sea | ||
Stine Krøijer | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | Political anthropology, nature-culture, cosmology, time, multispecies ethnography, anarchism, autonomy, indigenous peoples, the Amazon, Scandinavia | +4535321581 | |
Tilde Siglev | Visiting PhD Student | |||
Trine Mygind Korsby | Assistant Professor | +4535323481 |
External researchers
Martin Lundsteen | Postdoc, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona |