The PhD programme in Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen takes a broad approach to social and cultural anthropology, reflected in the courses offered and in ongoing research activities. It provides diversity in terms of regional ethnographic concentration, theoretical orientations and methodologies.
Major areas of departmental interest include health, migration, conflict and conflict resolution, family, religion, materiality, the environment and climate change.
With an academic staff of approximately 30 people, it is one of the largest anthropology departments in Europe.
The Department offers a three-year PhD programme. The programme of study consists of:
The completion of a major independent research project under supervision of a member of staff. The resulting dissertation commonly takes the form of a monograph, but may also consist of a set of published (or publishable) articles
Coursework, approximately one semester of study in total
Teaching and supervision of BA and MA students, corresponding to approximately 14 weeks of work