
PhD stipends are announced when available. See the current announcements online on the Graduate School's website. PhD stipends within specific research areas are announced regularly at

Please note that associate professors and full professors at the Department of Anthropology does not read or comment on PhD project descriptions for internal PhD stipends. Potential applicants are welcome to have a talk about their research ideas with the academic staff at the Department, but the staff do not provide feedback on written project descriptions.

You can find more information for applicants on the Graduate School of the Social Sciences' website.

Guidelines for applicants seeking external funding

Applicants who are seeking external funding for their PhD studies and who wish to be enrolled at the Department of Anthropology must email the following documents to the Head of the PhD programme ( no later than 1 month before the application deadline: 

  • Project description (5 pages). See our guidelines.
  • CV
  • Budget estimate covering expenses for fieldwork, research stay abroad, participation in courses and conferences. See example here.
    • Please note that if you are accepted into the PhD programme with external funding, you will need to document to the Graduate School that you can cover your living expenses corresponding to twice the current SU (State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme) rate, which can be found here (page is only available in Danish).
  • Funding plan.
  • Confirmation from a Professor or Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology who commits to supervise the PhD project if it is funded.

On the basis of these documents, the Head of the PhD programme and the Head of Department will decide whether a housing commitment can be made.

Applicants' qualifications

To apply for a PhD in anthropology the applicant must hold a master's degree in anthropology or a closely related topic.

Industrial PhD 

The Industrial PhD initiative is aimed at enhancing research and development in the Danish business sector by training researchers to gain insight into the business related aspects of research and development and building personal networks of knowledge between companies and Danish or foreign universities/research institutions.
Read more about the Industrial PhD initiative, application procedure etc.